African Union Sixth Region Global Promotes
African Diaspora. Inclusivity. Global Advancement. Trade. Investment.

We Engage, Educate, Embrace Africans in the Sixth Region in Servant Leadership & Love to Create Wealth for Personal, National, and Global Advancement.

We Serve The Global Community of African Diaspora

The African Union Sixth Region Global (AU6RG) is an organization dedicated to representing and advocating for the African diaspora worldwide. As an extension of the African Union, we serve as the “Sixth Region,” uniting people of African descent living outside the African continent and Friends of Africa. The AU6RG works towards fostering collaboration, economic development, and cultural exchange among people of African descent globally, while also advocating for their rights and representation within the broader African Union framework. We strive to strengthen bonds among friends of Africa, people of African descent and contribute to the advancement of the African continent and its diaspora. Learn more about our mission, initiatives, and how you can get involved in building a stronger, more connected global African community.

How We Drive Impact

Through our initiatives, programs, and partnerships, we aim to create a global network of collaboration and support, connecting businesses, entrepreneurs, and communities across Africa and the diaspora. By harnessing the collective talents, resources, and entrepreneurial spirit of our diverse community, we strive to drive sustainable economic growth and prosperity for all.

CSO Division

Our civil society organization (CSO) division focuses on grassroots mobilization, community empowerment, and advocacy at the local and regional levels to effect social change and promote inclusive development.


Business Division

The ECASR Business Division is dedicated to fostering economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, and sustainable business practices within African communities and the diaspora.


IGO Division

Through international governmental organizations (IGOs), we engage with governments, policymakers, and international bodies to advocate for the rights and interests of people of African descent globally.

Our Core Responsibilities:

The Sixth Region is represented at the AFRICAN UNION (AU) by the Citizenship and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO), which oversees the civil society engagement and the Diaspora Division. Within this context, the Diaspora Division serves as the counterpart of the Civil Society Division for the diaspora. As such, it carries out responsibilities that its counterpart performs for civil society for the African Diaspora.

Promoting of effective linkages between the Diaspora and various organs of the union including, ECOSOCC, PSC and Pan African Parliament (PAP) among others.

Managing and coordinating other forms of interaction between the AU and Diaspora organizations worldwide. This includes collaboration on policy and advocacy efforts of Diaspora networks and coalitions, technical support and assistance, enabling framework of cooperation and working relations.

Interfacing the African Diaspora with the work of different departments of the AU Commission and their programs and efforts.

Serving as focal point for accreditation of Diaspora organizations and networks as observers, delegates and participants at AU Summit and other meetings.

Mainstreaming Diaspora participation in the African Union agenda across departments, partnership frameworks and the wide range of policy activity including the flagship Agenda 2063.

Strengthening the operational capacity of the African Union to support Diaspora involvement in AU activities through regular communication and flow of information on AU events and activities and vice-visa, cross-fertilisation of AU program with Diaspora activities and mapping of African Diaspora around the world.

Enabling participation of Diaspora in CSO pre- Summit forums and promoting effective collaboration between Diaspora Civil Society Organization and approximate bodies on the continent.


A Global Organization Established To Project & Elevate Africa Further

We extend a heartfelt welcome to you at the African Union Sixth Region Global—an inclusive space that unites, empower, and celebrate the richness of the African diaspora globally. Whether you're a seasoned advocate, a business leader, a government representative, or a passionate individual, this platform is yours to engage, connect, and contribute. Explore initiatives, participate in events, and become an integral part of the Sixth Region narrative.
When we come together, we can make waves, create change, and make sure the world sees Africa in all its glory.
Diverse Voices, Shared Vision

As we navigate this virtual home, we celebrate the unique tapestry of cultures, languages, and experiences that make up our vibrant community. Here, diversity is our strength, and unity is our shared aspiration.

Our Core Pillars

Explore our core pillars—Unity, Identity, and Prosperity—guiding us on a collective journey towards a future where the Sixth Region stands as a beacon of empowerment and shared success.

Empowering The 6th Region

Discover our mission, which revolves around empowering the African diaspora globally. This platform is dedicated to fostering collaboration, amplifying voices, and creating opportunities for prosperity.

We welcome you to join us in making impact at scale

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