The African Union Sixth Region Global’s Vision for a Stronger Africa

The African Union Sixth Region Global (AU6RG) is a powerful testament to the spirit of unity that connects people of African descent worldwide. As the official voice of the global African diaspora within the African Union (AU), we stand committed to fostering social and economic development, both on the continent and within the diaspora communities.

A Bridge Across Continents: Connecting the Diaspora with the Motherland

We recognize the immense potential that lies in harnessing the collective power of the African diaspora. With over 150 million people of African descent living outside the continent, this diverse group possesses a wealth of skills, knowledge, and resources that can be instrumental in driving Africa’s growth and development.

Our mission is to build a bridge between the diaspora and the African continent, facilitating meaningful connections and collaborations. By promoting dialogue, cultural exchange, and economic partnerships, we aim to create a unified African family that transcends geographical boundaries.

Building a Better Africa Together: Our Vision for the Future

The AU6RG envisions a future where Africa is a global powerhouse, thriving in all aspects of human development. We believe that this can be achieved through collaborative efforts between the diaspora and the continent, focusing on key areas such as:

  • Economic Empowerment: We are dedicated to promoting trade and investment opportunities between the diaspora and Africa. By encouraging entrepreneurship, innovation, and skills transfer, we aim to create sustainable economic growth that benefits all Africans.

  • Social Development: We strive to empower African communities through education, healthcare, and social welfare initiatives. By addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality, we can create a more equitable and just society for all.

  • Cultural Preservation: We celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Africa, recognizing its importance in shaping our identity and values. By promoting cultural exchange and preserving traditional knowledge, we can ensure that our heritage is passed down to future generations.

  • Political Engagement: We advocate for the rights and interests of the African diaspora, ensuring their voices are heard in global decision-making processes. By actively participating in political discourse, we can contribute to shaping policies that positively impact Africa’s future.

Upcoming Initiatives: A Year of Return and Global Celebration of Africa Day

To further our mission, the AU6RG has planned a series of exciting initiatives for the coming year. These include:

  • The Year of Return: This program aims to encourage people of African descent to visit Africa, reconnect with their roots, and explore the continent’s vast potential. We believe that this will not only strengthen the bonds between the diaspora and the continent but also boost tourism and create economic opportunities for local communities.

  • Global Celebration of Africa Day: On May 25th, we will join the rest of the world in celebrating Africa Day, a day dedicated to commemorating the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), the precursor to the AU. This global celebration will showcase the rich diversity and immense potential of Africa, while also highlighting the contributions of the African diaspora to the continent’s development.

Embracing Diversity: A Pan-African Approach

We firmly believe in the power of diversity and inclusivity. The AU6 RG is committed to representing the interests of all Africans, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background. We recognize that our strength lies in our unity and that together, we can overcome any challenge.

We also acknowledge the importance of including rural communities in our development efforts. By ensuring that the benefits of our programs reach the most vulnerable populations, we can create a more equitable and prosperous Africa for all.

The Role of Entertainment: A Catalyst for Change

We recognize the power of entertainment as a tool for social change and economic empowerment. Our Creative Ambassador, renowned comedian AY, is committed to using his platform to promote the AU6 RG’s mission and attract people in the diaspora to the continent. Through entertainment, we can raise awareness about important issues, foster dialogue, and inspire action.


The African Union Sixth Region Global is a vibrant and dynamic organization that is dedicated to uniting the African diaspora and building a better Africa. We invite all people of African descent to join us in this journey, as we work together to create a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future for our continent.

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